The CMT - Compassion Measurement Tool is a free service where you can find out your compassion score. The research and theory behind the CMT is contained within the documents on this website. After you complete the 50 questions you will receive your compassion score. The data from your answers will become part of a data base to help us better understand human compassion. All of your information is kept private and only used for research purposes.The CMT is a compassion measurement tool that uses the Theory of Compassion Development and The Philosophy of Compassion as its foundation. Survey information based upon the philosophy was gathered over the course of 6 years, which led to the development of the theory. This survey information also serves as a foundation for the CMT. In addition, the CMT assumes that compassionate people are recognized as compassionate because they act this way. It is assumed that there is a relationship between acting in a compassionate manner consistently and the depth of the person’s compassion skills. This assumption, along with those which are tied to the Theory of Compassion Development and the Philosophy of Compassion, are being examined using the data from the CMT. /.
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